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Chaperone Clearance

  • Complete an online application form before chaperoning.

    • All chaperones are required to have Level 1 Clearances to chaperone local events.

    • Level 2 Clearance is required for overnight events. *Obtained after a referral from CGHS Music Association Board to Music Director and with school approval.

    • Email copy of badge to CGHSMA VP Administration: Heather Silvia (


Chaperone Responsibilities

  • Set a good example for students by your manner, appearance, and behavior.

  • Sign in and out when entering and leaving a school campus.

    • After school hour events fill out volunteer hour form.

  • Wear a volunteer badge when helping with school activities.

  • Wear CGHS Music Chaperone Shirt anytime you are chaperoning.

  • Assist with distribution of information and other items as needed.

  • Stay with the assigned section at competitions, football games, and other events where students perform.

  • Communicate with assigned section periodically throughout the day at theme parks.

  • Assist with handling of equipment, music, instruments, etc.

  • Make sure ALL students follow policies and procedures (Board Members are to be advised immediately if a question or concern should arise, Board Member will report to Music Director.)

  • Assist Board Members, Music Director, and Clinicians as necessary or when asked.

  • Maintain the professional standards of the Coral Glades Music Association, Broward County School District, and the Music Department.

  • Maintain supplies and keep with assigned sections.

    • Water Coolers

    • Medical Bag

    • Poncho Bag

  • Take attendance and Count Students.

  • Communicate with fellow Chaperones, Board Members, and Students.

  • NO alcohol, nicotine, or profanity PLEASE!

  • Chaperones may not bring their own children on the trip unless their child is performing with CGHS band, orchestra, or color guard.

  • DO NOT give medication to any student without first contacting CGHSMA VP Administration or President.

    • VP Administration or President will contact Music Director and Parent to obtain permission to administer an appropriate dosage for the student.

Football Games

  • Dinner 

    • Students are fed and given time to clean up and prepare before heading to the field.

  • Stand Ropes

    • The band and guard section of the stands need to be roped off prior to gates opening.

  • Coolers

    • A minimum of two water bottles per student needs to be packed into the coolers and filled with ice.

      • ​If done early the custodial staff with help with ice.  ​

    • Water is only given after the students perform and when approved by Music Director.

  • Restrooms

    • Restroom breaks are given within reason and after approval from Music Director. ​

      • Station chaperones at stand and restroom.​

      • A maximum of 10 students at a time are sent to restrooms.​​

  • Warm-Up and Performance

    • At least one chaperone is left in the stands to watch any student not performing on the field and to ensure the safety of all belongings.​

    • Chaperones remain with their assigned section. 

    • Do not allow by-standards to walk through the band when the band is "traveling" to warm up or onto the field. 

    • Once the band is in formation to take the field all available chaperones, please, help move instruments and equipment onto the field.  

      • ​The students know where the equipment/instruments belong however, some sections (for example Front Ensemble or "Pit") need assistance getting their equipment/instruments into place in a timely manner.

      • Remember football games are the best practice for competitions and in competitions we are timed from the point the first band member steps foot onto the field until the last member steps off of the field.  


  • Please make sure that students do not become rowdy; they must remain seated with arms inside the bus.

    • Students will sing, talk, and have fun but in a safe manner.

  • When arriving at the destination, students are to remain on the bus until they are told otherwise.

  • When arriving back at the hotel or school, students are not to be dismissed from the bus until the bus is clean!

  • The bus driver may have additional rules that must be followed.


Away Trips

  • Assist with room checks for overnight trips.

  • Students must stay in groups of 4 or more when allowed to roam.

  • Set time for assigned students or sections to check-in.

    • Group selfie text check-in

    • Physical check-in

  • Students should wear pre-selected CGHS attire.

  • Students are not permitted to leave with visiting relatives unless approved by Music Director.

  • Chaperones will be housed two to a room – double occupancy unless other requests have been made.

  • Students will be assigned a maximum of 4 to a room.



  • When arriving at the destination, students are to remain on the bus until they are told otherwise by the director or staff member.

  • You must accompany your assigned students to and from the buses each time we arrive and depart.

  • The curfew designated by the director must be followed—no exceptions!

  • Students are not allowed in rooms of the opposite gender or to congregate in rooms not assigned to the students.

  • You will be provided with a complete list of room numbers for all students, board members, and chaperones. The list will specify each chaperone’s assigned students and their assigned hotel rooms.

  • Each student room will be assigned up to four students each. Inform your assigned students of your hotel room number so that they can phone you at any time, and let them know they have your permission to do so (within reason, of course!). You will also be given the Board Members’ cell phone numbers.

  • Schedule

    • Each day you will be informed of the following day’s schedule, including “wake‐up call” time, breakfast time, “lights‐out” time, and departure times.

    • We suggest you phone your students’ rooms at wake‐up times. You are responsible for making sure your students are ready to go at the designated times.

    • The days are very full and busy during away trips, and it’s important that each student eat a good, healthy breakfast.  Remember, please do not be late as we are usually on a very strict schedule.

  • If you provide “treats” to any of your assigned students, you must provide enough for all assigned students. Students can bring their own snacks.

    • PLEASE keep in mind the possible allergies of ALL students, chaperones, and staff involved in the event.

  • All students’ hotel room doors will be taped at “lights out” time. 

    • There will be one assigned “taper” or you will be asked to tape your assigned rooms (tape will be provided).

    • The proper procedure for taping is to knock on the door, identify yourself, ask them to open the door, make sure all assigned students (and only the ones assigned to that room) are present, let them know you are now “taping them in”, close the door and place tape across the top or side of the door.

    • The reason for this is to know if students have opened the door without permission. If you find that the tape is missing, ripped, or partially off any students’ door(s), immediately notify VP Administration or President by phone. VP Administration or President will notify Music Director.


Chaperone Survival Tips

  • Survival Kit

    • Tylenol or Ibuprofen

    • Sunblock

    • Hat

    • Tissues or wipes

    • Water

    • Snacks

    • Backpack

  • Stay hydrated

  • Snack when the opportunity arises

© 2024 created by CGHS Music Association

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